Resolution Policy

Our Commitment to You

At Morcado Trust Company (“Morcado”), we are dedicated to ensuring that your concerns are addressed promptly and fairly. We recognize that sometimes we might not meet your expectations, and we have established this Customer Dispute Resolution Policy to better serve you.

Simple steps to resolve your concerns:

Step 1: Initial Contact

Reach Out. If you have any concerns about our products or services, please start by contacting your usual representative at Morcado. They are well-equipped to address most issues swiftly.

Step 2: Escalation

Need Further Assistance? If your concern isn't resolved to your satisfaction, don't hesitate to ask to speak with the senior manager or vice president. They will personally engage with you to discuss and address your concern.

Step 3: Formal Review

Writing to the Dispute Resolution Officer. In cases where your concern remains unresolved, we encourage you to submit it in writing to our Dispute Resolution Officer. Please include details of your concern and your desired resolution.

Contact details:

Please mail to:
Morcado Trust Company
3600, 205-5th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 2V7
Attention: Dispute Resolution Officer

Or send an email to:

The role of our Dispute Resolution Officer – independent and objective review.

The Dispute Resolution Officer at Morcado plays a critical role. They act independently and objectively to thoroughly investigate your concern. Their goal is to explore all viable options to achieve a resolution that is satisfactory for all parties involved.

Acknowledgement and Timeline

Upon receiving your written concern, our Dispute Resolution Officer will acknowledge receipt and open a file for thorough investigation.

Your concern will be addressed within 30 calendar days, provided we have all the necessary documents and information.

Examination and Decision

Different departments may assist the Dispute Resolution Officer in ensuring a comprehensive review of your concern.

If the initial decision is upheld, you'll receive a detailed explanation of the decision-making process.

In cases where your concern is deemed justified, appropriate actions will be taken for resolution.

Final Communication

Regardless of the outcome, you will be informed in writing about the final decision made by the Dispute Resolution Officer.

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