
Mortgages Available for Investment

Term Left
Property Use
N/A Oakville, Ontario
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
September 1, 2024
Amount Available
$0.00 of $48,500.00
Owner Profile
Our borrower, a music teacher who's easing into retirement, needed a bit of financial help to freshen up her home before listing it for sale. Additionally, she was in search of extra funds to secure the deposit for her future home once she finds the right place. The loan-to-value ratio is less than 20%, giving us lots of security, and we've structured the loan with a payment holdback for six months. She plans to list and sell her home within the 6 month term.
Central Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
March 8, 2025
Amount Available
$35,550.00 of $100,000.00
Owner Profile
Since 2017, this borrower has been running a small business in Vancouver. When Covid-19 hit, she had to close temporarily, and it was tough because she wasn't making any money but still had to pay bills. Even though she faced a lot of debt, she didn't give up. She worked hard to reopen her business after the lockdown and started paying off what she owed. But the high interest rates on her loans were making it difficult. Her plan is to first pay off all her debts, so she doesn't have to worry about high interest anymore. Then, she wants to put money back into her business to make it grow. She has good credit history and lots of equity in the property, so we gave her a one year loan to give her time to get her business back to maximum revenue. By the end of the year, she hopes to either get a better loan from a bank or move to a smaller place without a mortgage.
Evanston Calgary, Alberta
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
April 2, 2025
Amount Available
$83,819.04 of $110,000.00
Owner Profile
Our borrowers attempted a business venture two years ago, which unfortunately did not succeed, resulting in accumulated debt. They have since decided to close the business and are now focused on settling their financial obligations. Borrower 1 is currently employed in the food service industry while looking for work in his field. Borrower 2 is on maternity leave but will return to her previous job at a dental office within a year. Their credit score is lower, but only due to credit utilization, they have always paid their debts on time. Once the debts are paid off from this loan, the credit score should improve considerably. Upon the borrower's return to full-time employment in his previous field, at a higher pay, they anticipate securing a new loan from a traditional financial institution to settle our loan. We are offering them a one-year loan term with deferred payments, providing them with the necessary time to transition into more stable employment and secure refinancing.
N/A Thamesford, Ontario
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
October 11, 2024
Amount Available
$613,800.00 of $645,000.00
Owner Profile
Our borrowers purchased a new build two years ago, but as the possession date approached, their circumstances changed. Their elderly parents required care, prompting the borrowers to move in with them. They sold their primary residence in March to facilitate this move. With rising interest rates, the cost of the new home became less appealing. Additionally, Borrower 2 was off work due to an illness and wasn't back full-time by the closing date, making it impossible to qualify for a bank mortgage. To avoid losing their down payment and to benefit from the increased equity since their original purchase, they opted for an interim loan. This loan was secured against this new property and their existing rental property, with three months' payments held back. Their plan is to close on the new build, convert it to a rental property, and then either refinance once Borrower 2 returns to full-time work or sell it within the three-month term. This strategy allows the borrowers to preserve their large deposit and capitalize on the property's appreciated value.
N/A Scarborough, Ontario
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
July 4, 2025
Amount Available
$33,379.88 of $104,000.00
Owner Profile
Our borrower faced an unexpected extension of her maternity leave due to health reasons, resulting in some accrued debt from the extra unpaid time off. Now back to work full-time, she and her partner are focused on consolidating their debt to improve their credit and qualify for a full refinance within the next year. Both borrowers are employed at the bank and have maintained a perfect payment history. Their goal is to streamline their finances and boost their credit score, ensuring a smooth path to refinancing in the near future. We provided them with a consolidation loan, offering a practical solution to manage their debt effectively. This move allows them to stabilize their financial situation, reduce their debt load, and enhance their credit profile, making them strong candidates for refinancing down the line.
N/A Cochrane, Alberta
Property Use
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
October 16, 2024
Amount Available
$18,927.04 of $212,000.00
Owner Profile
Our borrowers were looking to expand their investment portfolio, so they purchased a condominium with intentions to utilize it as a rental property. They currently co-own a single-family home, which is also a rental, because they are personally renting an apartment in Canmore to be closer to their new business. Because they recently purchased a business in Canmore, they did not have the required documents to qualify for traditional bank financing right away. We offered the borrowers a loan that blankets both the new condo purchase and their existing single family home, giving us a loan-to-value ratio of under 60%. The business was already profitable prior to their ownership, and this trend has continued since their acquisition. The restaurant, a well-established dining destination in the area, further bolsters their financial prospects, instilling confidence in their ability to secure financing within the year. With excellent credit, the borrowers are well-positioned to qualify for financing with an alternative lender before the end of the term of their loan.
N/A Windsor, Ontario
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
October 17, 2024
Amount Available
$1,978.59 of $121,000.00
Owner Profile
Our borrower sought a modest second mortgage to alleviate debts incurred while supporting her grandson's pursuit of a hockey career at a prestigious US college. While managing consumer debt, she chose to prioritize timely bill payments over property taxes for the past two years, opting to maintain financial stability. Retired with pensions and government benefits, she initially considered refinancing into a single mortgage. However, recognizing the cost-effectiveness of her existing low-rate first mortgage, she opted for a six-month second mortgage, facilitating a timely transition to downsizing her current residence. With plans to sell and downsize within this timeframe, she aims for a smoother financial transition. We provided a conservative second mortgage at less than 50% loan-to-value ratio, with held back payments, ensuring minimal stress during this period of change. Her financial metrics remain favorable, with consistent payment history and manageable ratios. Despite an average credit score attributed to utilization rather than payment history, she has ample resources to clear outstanding debts and secure a deposit for her next home.
N/A Mississauga, Ontario
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
May 10, 2025
Amount Available
$0.00 of $150,000.00
Owner Profile
In March, our borrower put in an offer to purchase a condo. He was using a mortgage broker to help him obtain financing. The borrower submitted all the required documents to the broker, and the broker sent him a commitment and told him everything was fine. However, just three days before closing, his lawyer let him know that he still didn't have the financing paperwork from the lender. By the time he finally reached the broker, he was told the day before closing that the documents had not been sent to the lender and that they wouldn't be able to close in time. He reached out to one of our mortgage brokers and we were able to give him the financing he needed in time to close on the purchase. The borrower has excellent credit, significant down payment and the overall loan-to-value is very low.
N/A Ajax, Ontario
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
May 17, 2025
Amount Available
$20,000.00 of $42,000.00
Owner Profile
Our borrowers recently completed renovations on their home, but encountered an unexpected budget overrun. To cover the additional costs, they used credit cards, accumulating about $40,000 in high-interest debt. With their existing first mortgage not due for renewal for another year, they faced a large penalty if they tried to refinance now. With interest rates potentially dropping by next year, they believed that waiting for a full refinance would be more beneficial for them in the long run. We offered the borrowers a small second mortgage in order to pay off the high rate credit cards with a one year term. Their credit is excellent and our loan-to-value is under 65%. They have good income and can easily manage this new loan until they can refinance their mortgages next year when the 1st mortgage comes up for renewal.
N/A Etobicoke, Ontario
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
May 16, 2026
Amount Available
$110,127.84 of $300,000.00
Owner Profile
The borrower has been in construction for over 19 years. His mother got sick and he had to slow down work in order to care for her. She recently passed away and he decided it was time to retire, down size and be mortgage free. He has already done a few renovations on his home and wants to do a few more minor home improvements to ready his home for sale. His plan is to start searching for the right home, and once he finds it, list and sell his current home. He was looking for a two year term to give him plenty of time to find the right property. He has excellent credit and our loan to value is under 30%. We held back 2 years payments so he doesn't have to worry about making payments on the new loan.
N/A Chestermere, Alberta
Property Use
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
August 28, 2024
Amount Available
$18,894.67 of $34,894.67
Owner Profile
The borrowers have had a rough couple of years. They had to take care of a sick family member and deal with some health issues that made their income drop. With their expenses going up and their income going down, they had to work out a plan to pay off their debts in a way they could manage. The borrowers came to the conclusion that a consumer proposal was their best choice. They finished paying it off two years ago and have been doing a good job rebuilding their credit since then. Right now, the wife is working part-time but hopes to be back to full-time work in the next three months. They just finished fixing up their house to sell it and move to a smaller place. They used their credit cards and savings to pay for the renovations. Thinking she'd be back to work full-time by now, the plan was to get a loan from the bank to pay off what they owed and put money back into their savings. However, because she isn’t back to work full time yet, they don’t qualify for the loan they need. Since they can't get a loan from the bank right now, we gave them a loan that's less than 55% of their home’s value. They're planning to sell the house as soon as possible and move into a smaller place that's easier to manage. We made it so they don't have to make payments on the loan until it's paid off, so they can focus on the wife's health and getting the house ready to sell. They did not get the house listed before the renewal, but plan to do so right away. The borrowers pre-paid for 3 more months payments and we renewed the loan for 3 months.
Southwest Calgary Calgary, Alberta
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
September 27, 2024
Amount Available
$0.00 of $190,000.00
Owner Profile
Our borrower faced a timing challenge when an investment opportunity came up. With over $2 million in net worth from properties and investments, he needed additional cash to take advantage of the investment opportunity. As a retiree living off pension and rental income, he preferred not to liquidate his RRSPs and incur significant taxes. He plans to list and sell one of his current properties right away. To bridge this gap, we provided a small loan secured against his current home, which he will repay upon the sale of a property. With a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of only 58% and a solid net worth, the borrower's financial profile is strong. We structured the loan with held-back payments, ensuring no immediate financial strain on him.
N/A Cochrane, Alberta
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
November 13, 2024
Amount Available
$22,323.98 of $250,000.00
Owner Profile
Our borrowers required a second mortgage to facilitate the acquisition of a new property and complete minor renovations on their current home to get it ready for sale. The new purchase is an acreage property, but the bank's financing only covered a portion of the acreage plus the primary dwelling, leaving a shortfall for the purchase of over $250,000. Originally intending to purchase the new property and subsequently execute minor updates on their current residence within a six-month timeframe, the borrowers encountered a financing gap necessitating an additional $250,000 beyond their initial $300,000 savings. They are self-employed owners of a home design and renovation business with strong income and excellent credit history. Their plan is to list and sell their existing home within the next 6 months fully paying out this loan with the sale.
N/A Canmore, Alberta
Property Use
Owner occupied
Weighted LTV
Credit Score
Morcado ID
Property Type
Renewal Date
February 16, 2025
Amount Available
$547,191.69 of $856,694.65
Owner Profile
The borrower is an elderly woman who owns two properties in Canmore on main street with lots of equity. It is a prime real estate location that allows up to 26 units to be built on them. She is currently overseeing the final arrangements of her brother's estate who passed away just after she finished finalizing her husbands estate. She would like to stay in the home she has lived in for almost 50 years until the estate is all settled and she can decide where she wants to move to next. Given the significant appreciation in property values, she is optimistic about the continued upward trajectory of the market. Despite acknowledging the substantial outlay in rates and fees, she firmly believes that the appreciation in property values has more than offset these expenses, positioning her well ahead of where she would be if she had sold in the past few years. While the homes themselves are older, they are well maintained. However, builders will find these two parcels very appealing for the significant number of units allowed to be built on them. We held back 12 months of payments from the loan so the borrower can collect rent from the one unit, plus her pension, which more than covers her monthly obligations without having to worry about this mortgage payment.

Please note: The curated Morcado inventory list above changes frequently, and mortgages can sell out quickly. Notify me of changes to this list.

Overall Grade

Assigned by Morcado after vetting important factors. A comes with lower risk, C is higher.

Interest Rate

The rate shown is the 'net' rate you get for the duration of the mortgage.


The loan-to-value ratio of the property. The lower the LTV, the lower the potential risk.

Term Left

The time left before the mortgage contract ends — and when your investment will either be paid out or renewed.

Property Use

Owner-occupied is lower risk; other usually refers to a second or vacation home.

Property Location

The city and neighbourhood help assess the potential desirability of the area for holding value.

Amount Available

The amount reduces as more clients invest in a mortgage. There may be pending requests ahead in the queue.

Security Position

Repayment order of mortgages in a foreclosure. 'Blanket' refers to multiple properties used as collateral.

Credit Score

A lower borrower credit score increases risk but generally comes with a higher return rate.

Owner Profile

Circumstantial details about the mortgage offer insight to aid your investment decisions.

A platform like no other.

Details are provided with each mortgage to help your selection.

The high-yield mortgages available on our investment platform are fully funded and vetted, and each one comes with important info, as explained above.

No personal or identifying details are given — just what you need to help you make an informed investment decision. It's important to consider the mortgage details in light of your risk tolerance and financial goals.

You can look through our list above, but to select mortgages for investment, please set up or log into your Investor Account.

How do we determine the 'Grade' for each mortgage offered for investment?

We assign grades (A, B and C; there are no D's) to each mortgage as a general guide for comparison. We use the following weighted factors:

  • Weighted Loan to Value (LTV) – 20%
  • Mortgage charge position (first, second, third, or blanket) – 20%
  • Property's location – 20%
  • Quality of the property – 15%
  • Borrower's beacon score – 15%
  • Nature of the borrower's income – 5%
  • Property usage (owner-occupied, rental, or second home) – 5%

Grade A (least risk): >70
Grade B: 60-70
Grade C: 50-60

Learn about our platform House Rules here.

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